
Religion & Literature welcomes submissions of essays that consider the literature of any time or place in conjunction with important religious or theological issues that emerge from the literary text or that illuminate it. The journal is also open to receive essays in which theology is elucidated, extended or challenged by literature. No religious or theological perspective is excluded.

Preparing Your Manuscript

Manuscripts should be between 6,500 and 10,000 words (inclusive of notes and bibliography). To facilitate blind peer review, the author’s name and contact information should not appear within the submitted work.

For the most part, we follow the Chicago Manual of Style for citations and formatting; please see our house style sheet for a few specifications and modifications, the most important of which being that we request a full bibliography.

When naming your file, please use a simple file name, avoiding special characters. Do not include identifying information in the file name.

Articles that cite texts in languages other than English should include both the original language and the translation, either in the body of the text or in the end-notes. Religion & Literature does not publish translations of previously published articles.

Our editorial policy assumes that submitted articles have not been published elsewhere and are not currently being considered for publication at another journal. Religion & Literature does not accept unsolicited lectures, nor do we publish unsolicited creative works, such as poetry, fiction, or translations. In general, such work will only appear in special issues at the invitation of the guest editor.

Submitting Your Manuscript

To submit, please send the following to the managing editors at

  • PDF and Word versions of the article formatted in R&L style and free of any identifying markers
  • a short cover letter, describing the project and its fitness for publication in Religion & Literature, including:
    • the full address of the author designated to receive proofs/correspondence,
    • institutional affiliation,
    • a current email address,
    • the total word count of the article (6,500 to 10,000 words)

Please note that we can only consider one manuscript submission per author at a time.

Submitting a Revised Manuscript

Revised manuscripts may be resubmitted to Religion & Literature by invitation only. To resubmit, please send PDF and Word versions of your revised article, along with a substantial cover letter describing any relevant changes you would like our editors to be aware of when reviewing the revised manuscript.

Please note that a resubmission is not a guarantee of publication. Our expectations for revised articles are quite high, and we do not generally offer an additional round of revision and resubmission. As such, we do not have a set period of time for resubmission; please review readers' reports carefully, and take the necessary time to revise accordingly.

Finalizing an Accepted Manuscript

For accepted articles, please refer to our abbreviated Chicago style booklet as you prepare your manuscript for final submission. We expect our contributors to verify the accuracy of their quotes and references before submitting the final manuscript.

Republication of Material

For information on the republication of material appearing in Religion & Literature, please contact Kathleen Canavan at

A painting by Maria Tomasula titled Red Curtain

Maria Tomasula, Inheritance, oil on linen, 1998, 10" x 10".