
Religion & Literature seeks to publish high-quality, innovative scholarship that explores the relations between two crucial human concerns: the religious impulse and the literary forms of any era, place, or language. We publish articles, review essays, and book reviews three times a year. As an early editor remarked, the journal is determined to provide a usable, protean space for wide-ranging discussions of the many ways in which religion and literature are implicated in and shaped by each other. We welcome any scholarly approach provided authors are willing to consider religion not simply as cultural artifact but also as a living tradition, with all the paradoxes that phrase may embrace.

The journal began publication in 1984, succeeding NDEJ: A Journal of Religion in Literature (1977-1984). We publish scholarly articles, book reviews, and forums dedicated to focused topics in religion and literature; we also publish special issues edited by leading scholars. Romana Huk is currently the editor of the journal; Sandra Gustafson, Jesse Lander, Susannah Monta, and Christian Moevs currently sit on its editorial board. Our advisory board includes Felicia Bonaparte, Lori Branch, Steven Frye, Thomas Haddox, Kevin Hart, John McClure, Cleo McNelly Kearns, and Barbara Newman. The journal has approximately 500 subscribers and can be found online at JSTOR. It is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography, ATLA Religion Database, Religion and Theological Abstracts, and other major databases.

Corpus Tomasula
Maria Tomasula, Corpus, oil on linen, 1997, 12" x 8".